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Riverside County Franklin Building


Riverside County Facilities Management

Project Size:

Service Type:

35,000 SF

Scan to BIM

Project Information:

This building is currently not in use, so the County of Riverside plans to repurpose it. It was immediately noticed that the as-built drawings were very outdated and no structural plans existed. Being an old building it was decided structural upgrades were a must, and with no as-builts, Scan to BIM was a perfect solution. It took 2 days to fully scan the building including all ceiling spaces. The data was then processed which took another 2 days to compile the 434 unique scans. Lastly, a Revit model was produced in 2 weeks which included a complete structural model excluding foundations, and all visible architectural components. In roughly 3 weeks the design team was provided with a complete Revit model and pointcloud which allows them to start design immediately. 


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